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Images are rectangular grids of pixel values.

Sample: An image quantity of a majestic cat, shown here in the ImGui window display mode.

image example

Floating Quantities

Images are floating quantities, which means they can be added to the scene at the root level, or added to any kind of structure.

See the floating quantity introduction for more info.


import polyscope as ps

# Your image data, must be populated somehow
w = 1024
h = 768

# == Add images at the root level of the scene
# try out a few of the options while we're at it

ps.add_color_image_quantity("color_img", np.zeros((h, w, 3)), enabled=True, 
                            show_fullscreen=True, show_in_camera_billboard=False, transparency=0.5)

ps.add_color_alpha_image_quantity("color_alpha_img", np.zeros((h, w, 4)), enabled=True, 
                                  show_in_imgui_window=True, show_in_camera_billboard=False,
                                  is_premultiplied=True, image_origin='lower_left')

ps.add_scalar_image_quantity("scalar_img", np.zeros((h, w)), enabled=True, 
                             datatype='symmetric', vminmax=(-3.,.3), cmap='reds')

# == Add images associated with a structure
# Here, a camera view, you could also use a point cloud, or a mesh, etc
cam = ps.get_camera_view("my view"); # some structure you previously registered

cam.add_color_image_quantity("color_img", np.zeros((h, w, 3)), enabled=True,
                             # when adding an image to a camera view, we can display it
                             # in the camera billboard

Images vs. Render Images

If your image happens to represent a rendering of the scene from the user’s viewport (for example, from custom renderer code), check out the Render Image quantity, which offers additional functionality for view-rendered images such as depth-compositing them into the scene to layer and blend with other content.

Camera Views

Image quantities get special functionality when added to CameraView structures: they can additionally be displayed in the camera frame, aligned with the view of the scene.

Image Origin

When registering an image quantity, you can also specify whether the image should be interpreted such that the first row is the “top” row of the image ('upper_left'), or the first row is the “bottom” row of the image ('lower_left'). This is a confusing issue, as there are many overlapping conventions of coordinate systems and buffer layouts for images.

Most of the time, 'upper_left' (the default) is the right choice.

Scalar Image Quantity

These can be called at the root level, like ps.add_scalar_image_quantity(), or on a structure, like cam_view.add_scalar_image_quantity().

add_scalar_image_quantity(name, values, **kwargs)

Add an image of scalar values

  • name string, a name for the quantity
  • values an HxW numpy array, with scalar values

This function also accepts optional keyword arguments listed below, which customize the appearance and behavior of the quantity.

Scalar Quantity Options

When adding a scalar quantity, the following keyword options can be set. These are available for all kinds of scalar quantities on all structures.

Keyword arguments:

  • enabled boolean, whether the quantity is initially enabled (note that generally only one quantitiy can be shown at a time; the most recent will be used)
  • datatype, one of "standard", "symmetric", or "magnitude", affects default colormap and map range
  • vminmax, a 2-tuple of floats, specifying the min and max range for colormap limits; the default is None, which computes the min and max of the data
  • cmap, which colormap to use
  • isoline keywords (darker-shaded stripes showing isocontours of the scalar field):
    • isolines_enabled are isolines enabled (default: False)
    • isoline_width how wide should the darkend stripes be, in data units (default: dynamically estimated)
    • isoline_width_relative if true, interpret the width value as relative to the world coordinate length scale (default: False)
    • isoline_darkness how much darker should the alternating stripes be (default: 0.7)

If not specified, these optional parameters will assume a reasonable default value, or a persistent value if previously set.

Color Image Quantity

These can be called at the root level, like ps.add_color_image_quantity(), or on a structure, like cam_view.add_color_image_quantity().

add_color_image_quantity(name, values_rgb, **kwargs)

Add an image of rgb color values

  • name string, a name for the quantity
  • values_rgb an HxWx3 numpy array, with color values

RGB values are interpreted in the range [0,1].

add_color_alpha_image_quantity(name, values_rgba, **kwargs)

Add an image of rgb color values

  • name string, a name for the quantity
  • values_rgba an HxWx4 numpy array, with color values

RGB values are interpreted in the range [0,1].

By default, alpha values are interpreted to be non-premultiplied. Use the keyword argument is_premultiplied=True to directly pass premultiplied alpha images.

Color Quantity Options

When adding a color quantity, the following keyword options can be set. These are available for all kinds of color quantities on all structures.

Keyword arguments:

  • enabled boolean, whether the quantity is initially enabled (note that generally only one quantitiy can be shown at a time; the most recent will be used)

If not specified, these optional parameters will assume a reasonable default value, or a persistent value if previously set.

Image Options

These options are common to all images

Keyword arguments:

  • enabled boolean, whether the quantity is initially enabled (note that generally only one quantitiy can be shown at a time; the most recent will be used)
  • transparency float, an opacity to apply to the image
  • image_origin string, either upper_left (default) or lower_left to give the row layout convention
  • show_fullscreen boolean, if enabled the image will be shown fullscreen in the Polyscope window
  • show_in_imgui_window boolean, if enabled the image will be shown in an ImGui window
  • show_in_camera_billboard boolean, if this image was added to a camera view structure, show it in the camera frame

If not specified, these optional parameters will assume a reasonable default value, or a persistent value if previously set.