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Variable Transparency

You can set the transparency individually for each point in a point cloud by specifing an existing scalar quantity to serve as the transparency. This can also be set manually in the GUI via the point cloud [Options] --> [Variable Transparency] setting.

See the transparency section for more transparency-related options.

point cloud transparency demo


import polyscope as ps
import numpy as np

# ... setup, register a point cloud, etc ...

# Get a reference to your point cloud
ps_cloud = ps.get_point_cloud("your point cloud name")

# Add a random scalar quantity
N = ps_cloud.n_points()
vals = np.random.rand(N)
ps_cloud.add_scalar_quantity("test_vals", vals)

# Set the quantity as the point transparency

# Clear it out, go back to default constant size

All values will be clamped into the [0,1] range. The transparency is multiplicative with any other transparency effects, such as setting the structure’s global transparency value.

set transparency quantity

Set the transparency quantity by name. The quantity must be a point cloud scalar quantity added to this cloud.

All values will be clamped into the [0,1] range.

If transparency is not already enabled, updates the transparency mode to be Pretty.

clear transparency quantity

Clear the transparency quantity.