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Scalar Quantities

Visualize scalar (real or integer)-valued data at the elements of a surface mesh.

Example: visualizing cotangent weights at edges with geometry-central

#include "polyscope/polyscope.h"
#include "polyscope/surface_mesh.h"

// (external library, used as an example)
#include "geometrycentral/surface/vertex_position_geometry.h"
using namespace geometrycentral::surface;


// Load mesh
std::unique_ptr<HalfedgeMesh> mesh;
std::unique_ptr<VertexPositionGeometry> geom;

std::tie(mesh, geom) = loadMesh(args::get(inputFilename));

// Register the geometry-central mesh
auto psMesh = polyscope::registerSurfaceMesh("input mesh", 
psMesh->setAllPermutations(polyscopePermutations(*mesh)); // set permutations, 
                                                          // so edge data is meaningful

// Build cotan weights for the mesh

// Visualize cotan weights
psMesh->addEdgeScalarQuantity("edge cotan weights", geom->edgeCotanWeights);

Add Scalars to Elements

SurfaceMesh::addVertexScalarQuantity(std::string name, const T& values, DataType type = DataType::STANDARD)

Add a scalar quantity defined at the vertices of the mesh.

  • values is the array of scalars at vertices. The type should be adaptable to a float scalar array. The length should be the number of vertices in the mesh.
SurfaceMesh::addFaceScalarQuantity(std::string name, const T& values, DataType type = DataType::STANDARD)

Add a scalar quantity defined at the faces of the mesh.

  • values is the array of scalars at faces. The type should be adaptable to a float scalar array. The length should be the number of faces in the mesh.
SurfaceMesh::addEdgeScalarQuantity(std::string name, const T& values, DataType type = DataType::STANDARD)

Add a scalar quantity defined at the edges of the mesh.

  • values is the array of scalars at edges. The type should be adaptable to a float scalar array. The length should be the number of edges in the mesh.

Remember, before passing edge-valued data, be sure your indexing convention matches what Polyscope expects.

SurfaceMesh::addHalfedgeScalarQuantity(std::string name, const T& values, DataType type = DataType::STANDARD)

Add a scalar quantity defined at the halfedges of the mesh.

  • values is the array of scalars at halfedges. The type should be adaptable to a float scalar array. The length should be the number of halfedges in the mesh.

Remember, before passing halfedge-valued data, be sure your indexing convention matches what Polyscope expects.

Scalar Texture Maps

Texture images define data by storing it an image grid, and using coordinates defined on the face-corners or vertices of a mesh to sample values from the image for each point on the surface.

To visualize scalar data defined in texture maps, first add a Parameterization Quantity (aka UV map) defining the coordinates. Then, add a buffer of image data to be sampled from with the function below.

The resulting scalar texture supports color mapping and all of the other usual scalar data features.


polyscope::SurfaceMesh* psMesh = /* register a surface mesh */;

// a UV map to use (here, dummy data)
std::vector<glm::vec2> vals(psMesh->nCorners(), {0.5, 0.6});
auto qParam = psMesh->addParameterizationQuantity("param", vals);

// an image texture to use
// (here, dummy data)
size_t dimX = 100;
size_t dimY = 150;
std::vector<float> valuesTex(dimX * dimY, 0.77);
polyscope::SurfaceTextureScalarQuantity* qScalar =
  psMesh->addTextureScalarQuantity("tScalar", *qParam, dimX, dimY, valuesTex, polyscope::ImageOrigin::UpperLeft);


SurfaceMesh::addTextureScalarQuantity(std::string name, SurfaceParameterizationQuantity& param, size_t dimX, size_t dimY, const T& data, ImageOrigin imageOrigin, DataType type = DataType::STANDARD)

Add a scalar quantity defined in a texture map.

  • param is a reference to a SurfaceParameterizationQuantity, with coordinates on [0,1] which will be used to sample from the image.

  • the data, dimension, and origin arguments are the same as those used to define images. See there for details.

SurfaceMesh::addTextureScalarQuantity(std::string name, std::string paramName, size_t dimX, size_t dimY, const T& data, ImageOrigin imageOrigin, DataType type = DataType::STANDARD)

Like above, but takes the reference to the parameterization quantity by name.

Scalar Quantity Options

These options and behaviors are available for all types of scalar quantities on any structure.

Parameter Meaning Getter Setter Persistent?
enabled is the quantity enabled? bool isEnabled() setEnabled(bool newVal) yes
color map the color map to use std::string getColorMap() setColorMap(std::string newMap) yes
map range the lower and upper limits used when mapping the data in to the color map std::pair<double,double> getMapRange() setMapRange(std::pair<double,double>) and resetMapRange() no
isolines enabled are isolines shaded (default=false) bool getIsolinesEnabled() setIsolinesEnabled(bool newVal) yes
isoline width width of isoline stripes, in data units float getIsolineWidth() setIsolineWidth(float newVal) yes
isoline darkness darkness of isoline stripes (default=0.7) float getIsolineDarkness() setIsolineDarkness(float newVal) yes

(all setters return this to support chaining. setEnabled() returns generic quantity, so chain it last)