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Variable Transparency

You can set the transparency individually for each element in a surface mesh by specifing an existing scalar quantity to serve as the transparency. This can also be set manually in the GUI via the point cloud [Options] --> [Variable Transparency] setting.

Per-vertex, per-face, and per-corner scalar quantities are supported for use as transparency values.

See the transparency section for more transparency-related options.

surface mesh transparency demo

All values will be clamped into the [0,1] range. The transparency is multiplicative with any other transparency effects, such as setting the structure’s global transparency value.

void SurfaceMesh::setTransparencyQuantity(SurfaceScalarQuantity* quantity)
set transparency quantity

Set the transparency quantity. All values will be clamped into the [0,1] range.

If transparency is not already enabled, updates the transparency mode to be Pretty.

void SurfaceMesh::setTransparencyQuantity(std::string name)

Set the transparency quantity by name. All values will be clamped into the [0,1] range.

If transparency is not already enabled, updates the transparency mode to be Pretty.

void SurfaceMesh::clearTransparencyQuantity()
clear transparency quantity

Clear the transparency quantity.