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Scalar Quantities

Visualize scalar (real or integer)-valued data at the elements of a volume mesh.

volume mesh scalar values

Example: showing a scalar on vertices (here just one of the spatial coordinate functions)

/* ... initialization, create mesh ... */ 

// Register the volume mesh with Polyscope
polyscope::registerTetMesh("my mesh", verts, tets);

// Add a scalar quantity
size_t nVerts = verts.rows();
std::vector<double> scalarV(nVerts);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nVerts; i++) {
  // use the x-coordinate of vertex position as a test function
  scalarV[i] = V(i,0);
auto scalarQ = polyscope::getVolumeMesh("my mesh")->addVertexScalarQuantity("scalar Q", scalarV);

// Set some options
scalarQ->setEnabled(true);       // initially enabled
scalarQ->setMapRange({-1., 1.}); // colormap from [-1,1]
scalarQ->setColorMap("blues");   // use a blue colormap

// Show the GUI

Add scalars to elements

VolumeMesh::addVertexScalarQuantity(std::string name, const T& data, DataType type = DataType::STANDARD)

Add a scalar quantity defined at the vertices of the mesh.

  • data is the array of scalars at vertices. The type should be adaptable to a float scalar array; this includes may common types like std::vector<float> and Eigen::VectorXd. The length should be the number of vertices in the mesh.
VolumeMesh::addCellScalarQuantity(std::string name, const T& data, DataType type = DataType::STANDARD)

Add a scalar quantity defined at the cells of the mesh.

  • data is the array of scalars, with one value per cell. The type should be adaptable to a float scalar array; this includes may common types like std::vector<float> and Eigen::VectorXd. The length should be the number of cell in the mesh.

Inspecting with slice planes

Slice planes have special functionality for volume mesh vertex values—they can inspect quantities on volume meshes and render them on the interior of the volume. See the slice plane documentation for details.

Scalar Quantity Options

These options and behaviors are available for all types of scalar quantities on any structure.

Parameter Meaning Getter Setter Persistent?
enabled is the quantity enabled? bool isEnabled() setEnabled(bool newVal) yes
color map the color map to use std::string getColorMap() setColorMap(std::string newMap) yes
map range the lower and upper limits used when mapping the data in to the color map std::pair<double,double> getMapRange() setMapRange(std::pair<double,double>) and resetMapRange() no
isolines enabled are isolines shaded (default=false) bool getIsolinesEnabled() setIsolinesEnabled(bool newVal) yes
isoline width width of isoline stripes, in data units float getIsolineWidth() setIsolineWidth(float newVal) yes
isoline darkness darkness of isoline stripes (default=0.7) float getIsolineDarkness() setIsolineDarkness(float newVal) yes

(all setters return this to support chaining. setEnabled() returns generic quantity, so chain it last)